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ITB@ 3:50pm 06-20-2009
Svaka čast stranica je prisuper...neka i usluge budedu isto tako dobre i bit će to super posol
Igor@ 10:25pm 06-17-2009
drogo mi je vidit da si se ormo! nodon se da ce posol hodit kako bog zapovido i da ce komentarih ala "joe & elaine" puno u godiscima koja dohode!
ranko@ 1:11pm 06-17-2009
Lipo, od ovega tuko cogod i bit. Somo naprida, Ranko
P.Z.@ 11:05am 06-17-2009
Page is beautiful. I wish you much success in your work.
Joe and Elaine@ 5:45am 06-17-2009
Siniša (or Simon if you prefer) is simply the finest tour guide that we have ever used. He is thoroughly knowledgeable and is very informative both of history and culture. Never in a hurry, Siniša goes that extra mile to make your tour a once in a lifetime event while always leaving plenty of time for taking wonderful photos. I would recommend that everyone visiting Hvar contact Siniša and Secret Hvar for a tour of a lifetime. You won't regret it!
M. Schiklich@ 3:59am 06-15-2009
Hvar is a great island!

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